Just came across this interesting article in the net and thought of share with you guys here. Some years back, Normal Heights resident Mike Pazder walked into a Victoria's Secret by himself -- without any previous lingerie knowledge -- in search of something, anything."I didn't know how this whole operation worked," the now 29-year-old lawyer said. "I didn't know if I was supposed to touch anything or just keep my hands to myself."A saleswoman sensed his uneasiness around all the lacy, silky fabrics with strappy things, hooks and lace, and helped him out."It wasn't exactly the most comfortable conversation when we were trying to figure out what size to get and I had to compare my girlfriend's body to hers," Pazder said. "But aside from that, there is no question that the best advice is to immediately go up to a saleswoman when you go in the store and ask for help rather than wandering around aimlessly looking and feeling like a big perv."Point noted and taken:

Nobody expects men like you and me to be an expert in lingerie. Turn to those who have the knowledge before buying her unmentionables this holiday season. Laurie Thomas, owner of San Diego lingerie shop The Enchantress, shares a few tips that might make your life a lot easier.
So if you are going into lingerie shop next time, remember this advice.
fashionrailTags: Men Fasihon Tips, Gifts for Ladies, Valentine Gifts, Man Guide to Lengerie