About a month ago I decided it was time to make the switch from my trusty Blackberry to a super cool, trendy iPhone. I always kind of disliked them before. My husband has had one for a while, and I've just always been kind of "anti iPhone". I guess because it's just so different from what I was used to (...and deep down I think I secretly knew it might be better.). So I preordered a pretty white new 3GS since they had just come out. From the second I got it, it was so easy to get used to. Something about it was just so "freeing". I know, I know. It sounds corny-- But no joke, I felt like my Blackberry was always holding me captive or something. I feel like the iPhone is just more fun or something. Much more user-friendly. Anyway, I figured I would share with you some of my favorite apps and accessories I've been using over the past month.
First of all....cases. My husband's has been sporting a cracked glass for a while, so I know just how fragile they are. I couldn't imagine seeing my poor iPhone busted! So a case that fits over the phone is really the best way to go. Since I bought the white, I figured it wouldn't make sense at all to just cover it up. So I bought a sleek, completely clear one.
Case-Mate iPhone 3G/3GS Naked Cases (CLEAR)
(black phone shown, mine is white)

As far as apps go, there are quite a few that I love. Honestly, it gets really addictive getting them and trying out new ones! Here are a few of my favorites:
Twitterfon - Twitter app
Showtimes - Find movie times quickly in theaters around you
SpinArt - Make pretty artwork on your phone...great when you're bored
SmackTalk - Brad and I are OBSESSED with this... CUTEST APP EVER.
Midomi - Recognizes the name and artist of any song. It saves the ones it's found too.
Blowfish - Cute and addictive
Waterslide - Fun and it's free!
PriceIsRight - SO FUN... It's so hilarious because it's exactly like the show
TextTwist - I've been addicted to this game for years! Had a version of it on all my past phones!
Bookworm - ...yeah, I love word games
CookingMama - So cute and fun. Love the version on the Wii. This one is a little different though
20Q - So fun...and kind of scary. It reads your mind
Bloons - So cute...and honestly kind of challenging
Are there any other iPod lovers out there? What are your favorite apps? I'm ADDICTED to apps, so share your suggestions!