Alright. I'm back. Sorry for the hiatus!
These pictures were found in the family fun magazine, which I love oh so much!! I thought they were really cute, simple ideas for Valentines Day!! An we all could use a few more ideas for one of my very most favorite holidays!!
If Boston were old enough, I would totally make these with him. Something cute for neighbors and best friends, really easy and simple. But most of all, a good activity to bond with those little kidlets. You can never have too much bonding!

Okay. I loved this idea mostly because rolos are my FAVORITE!! Love them! I would definitely make that "I like the way you roll" cuter... cause I think it's really plain and the handwriting is... um... not my fav. Nontheless, cute idea!

And again, another bonding activity. What can't buddy be older?! V-day flakes! SO cute!! Have the kids put them up all over the house. An idea I had was to write something sweet about someone on the front of them and then flake their room. So the brother could write a bunch of nice things for sister and then suprise them with a heart flaked room!