Check out this pic of Glee hunk Mark Salling posing with his shirt off (and showing us a little bit of his blue underwear)! The actor tweeted this picture of him and Glee co-star Cory Monteith today, to bad Cory is to shy to take his shirt off, i mean i would to if Mark was next to me!
Wetpaint.com interviewed him a couple of months ago, and ask him our most favorite question ever.... Boxers or Briefs! See what he said after the jump! (It might be our most favorite answer.)
Wetpaint.com said:
WP.com: Another reader question for you: Boxers or briefs?
Mark: Boxer briefs, baby.Now that we know what his choice of underwear is, we can only hope those are blue Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs he's wearing!
Picture source: Twitter