A few days ago I happened upon something. Something I can't decide if I'm happy about or not!
I'm talking about the world of digital scrap-booking.
I'm unhappy about this find for one reason. I don't have the time to pick up a new hobby! Because seriously people, I spent hours downloading free scrapbook paper and embellishments and I was freaking out at it's awesome-ness! I knew this world existed, I mean, I have a Smilebox account. I am really talented at pulling my pictures into an already made scrapbook. Ha! I guess I just thought it was something that would be too crazy and hard to figure out.
This brings me to my blogs new look. I loved my last look, really, I did. It was a template from Lee Lou Blogs though, and I didn't have the freedom to do ANYTHING with it! It was so scrunched and the font drove me nuts. So while playing around with my new favorite thing, I made a super simple header and all the red sidebar titles. You like? It's just for now because the wonderful Lee Lou Blogs will be designing a completely NEW look just for me! Yeah, not free. That'd be awesome! She's been on maternity leave though, and it's taking FOREVER! So, I changed it. Because I could. Because I'm a digital scrapbooker now. Ha ha ha!
TRICKED YOU! Well, I am a digital scrapbooker now ha ha, but you totally thought I made these huh?! THAT would be awesome! No, these I found from Smilebox. Because here's the thing, while I am excited about this new hobby I don't have time for, I still won't be making my own layouts. That would take forever. And I don't have the patience! So I use Smilebox. They have thousands of layouts and designs organized by category and it's AWESOME. You can change how many pictures you want on a page, how many embellishments you want and yadda yadda. Really, it's great! You should go check out their site if you're not already familiar with them!!
And then just an FYI, I load these bad boys into a blurb book. I print a book a year and it's awesome. I made a post about it forever ago. It's here if you're interested.
A few of my very most favorite BLOG DESIGNERS are:
(because blog design and digital scrapbooking go hand in hand)
Leelou Blogs

and The Fairy Blogmother
The Fairy Blog Mother has a package for $25.00 that I almost purchased. You'll see why I didn't when I finally get my makeover! But she's amazing. If you're looking for a great deal to spruce up your blog check her out!
If any of you are interested in a tutorial for how I made my sidebar titles, shoot me a comment. If there is enough interest I'll get a tutorial together for ya! It's really easy!
And don't worry. Those category buttons will be coming back. I just haven't had the time yet to re-make them!

I'm talking about the world of digital scrap-booking.
I'm unhappy about this find for one reason. I don't have the time to pick up a new hobby! Because seriously people, I spent hours downloading free scrapbook paper and embellishments and I was freaking out at it's awesome-ness! I knew this world existed, I mean, I have a Smilebox account. I am really talented at pulling my pictures into an already made scrapbook. Ha! I guess I just thought it was something that would be too crazy and hard to figure out.
This brings me to my blogs new look. I loved my last look, really, I did. It was a template from Lee Lou Blogs though, and I didn't have the freedom to do ANYTHING with it! It was so scrunched and the font drove me nuts. So while playing around with my new favorite thing, I made a super simple header and all the red sidebar titles. You like? It's just for now because the wonderful Lee Lou Blogs will be designing a completely NEW look just for me! Yeah, not free. That'd be awesome! She's been on maternity leave though, and it's taking FOREVER! So, I changed it. Because I could. Because I'm a digital scrapbooker now. Ha ha ha!
TRICKED YOU! Well, I am a digital scrapbooker now ha ha, but you totally thought I made these huh?! THAT would be awesome! No, these I found from Smilebox. Because here's the thing, while I am excited about this new hobby I don't have time for, I still won't be making my own layouts. That would take forever. And I don't have the patience! So I use Smilebox. They have thousands of layouts and designs organized by category and it's AWESOME. You can change how many pictures you want on a page, how many embellishments you want and yadda yadda. Really, it's great! You should go check out their site if you're not already familiar with them!!
And then just an FYI, I load these bad boys into a blurb book. I print a book a year and it's awesome. I made a post about it forever ago. It's here if you're interested.
A few of my very most favorite BLOG DESIGNERS are:
(because blog design and digital scrapbooking go hand in hand)
Leelou Blogs
and The Fairy Blogmother
The Fairy Blog Mother has a package for $25.00 that I almost purchased. You'll see why I didn't when I finally get my makeover! But she's amazing. If you're looking for a great deal to spruce up your blog check her out!
If any of you are interested in a tutorial for how I made my sidebar titles, shoot me a comment. If there is enough interest I'll get a tutorial together for ya! It's really easy!
And don't worry. Those category buttons will be coming back. I just haven't had the time yet to re-make them!