OSU has these crazy traditions. Do you see that huge mural behind us? Made out of tissue paper. Remember in like, third grade sticking a square of tissue paper on the back of your pencil and dipping it in glue? Yeah. That's what this mural is. And to make it even more awesome, the tradition is that it's not started until the night before the "walk around". Each sorority/fraternity does one and they are SO awesome!
I think someone's getting an easel for Christmas!

Paint. All over his hair!
This was the coolest thing ever. You would stick a ball in it and it would zip through the airways and come out the other side. Boston nearly lost his mind with it!
She totally destroyed me in checkers. And yes, look at that belly!

I told you I'd get a smiling picture! ha
Is this not the cutest family you've ever seen?
Yup, that's sure the sink!
We were super sad to leave Oklahoma. I'm not sure when we'll make it back. Boston is BEST friends with the "boys". He totally played with Hudson for hours and hours without needing me. It was amazing. The plane ride home was a disaster, but we are alive. Buddy has been super sad to not have any cousins around. I'm tellin' ya, he should have been the youngest!