Can you believe Thanksgiving is just around the corner? I swear my life is just passing me by! I'm in love with Thanksgiving. The weather, the smells, the family, the food. I love how the leaves change and how Brian gets five days off work! It's a great time to remember why we're so blessed, to thank those who have changed our lives, and to spend time with those people that matter most.
So. Happy Thanksgiving!
Give Thanks Board. This would be adorable to do with the kiddos!
Tutorial over at Jellybean Junkyard and pinned here
A Thanksgiving Placemat for kids!
Found at Martha Stewart- free clip art! Pinned here
Pumpkin votive holders! So cute!! And cheap!
Found at Martha Stewart- free DIY instructions. Pinned here
I'm sort of in love with this...
Pinned here
Dude. Martha Stewart. I love you.
DIY instructions found here. Pinned here
I think these are so elegant. Rebecca rose has a bunch of centerpiece ideas. You should check them out! Found at Rebecca Rose here. Pinned here
Thanksgiving tube people! This one comes with an awesome video. So much fun for the older kids!
Video here. Pinned here
Are these not so cute? Yeah- they are waffle cones, iced and decorated! I'm totally in love with this. And I know my kids would LOVE it. ...when they're older :-D
Pinned here
I don't know why, but I kind of love this idea.
Pinned here
This one is cute. These little turkeys can be found everywhere.
Pinned here
Is that not the most elegant banner? I totally love the whole look goin' on here.
Pinned here

So. Happy Thanksgiving!
Give Thanks Board. This would be adorable to do with the kiddos!
Tutorial over at Jellybean Junkyard and pinned here
A Thanksgiving Placemat for kids!
Found at Martha Stewart- free clip art! Pinned here
Pumpkin votive holders! So cute!! And cheap!
Found at Martha Stewart- free DIY instructions. Pinned here
I'm sort of in love with this...
Pinned here
Dude. Martha Stewart. I love you.
DIY instructions found here. Pinned here
I think these are so elegant. Rebecca rose has a bunch of centerpiece ideas. You should check them out! Found at Rebecca Rose here. Pinned here
Thanksgiving tube people! This one comes with an awesome video. So much fun for the older kids!
Video here. Pinned here
Are these not so cute? Yeah- they are waffle cones, iced and decorated! I'm totally in love with this. And I know my kids would LOVE it. ...when they're older :-D
Pinned here
I don't know why, but I kind of love this idea.
Pinned here
This one is cute. These little turkeys can be found everywhere.
Pinned here
Is that not the most elegant banner? I totally love the whole look goin' on here.
Pinned here
If you want to follow my pins, I won't stop you! But beware, it's addicting!