5 Ways for Men to Dress Slimmer

Larger guys can easily give the impression of being much thinner than they are, simply by wearing certain clothes.

And the Jacamo large mens clothing range has plenty of items to choose from that will result in a genuinely slimming effect.

  Here are 5 tips to help you choose the right Jacamo plus size mens clothing.

1.       Stripes

There is a golden rule with wearing stripes... Horizontal: No. Vertical: Yes.

Vertical stripes will make your silhouette look longer and slimmer.

Horizontal stripes, however, will have the opposite effect and make anyone look larger than they are...

2.       Jackets

A single-breasted jacket will make you look far slimmer than a double-breasted one; this is because people’s eyes will automatically focus on the centre point.

Also, try to avoid jackets or blazers that are double-vented as this will draw unnecessary attention to your bottom!

3.       Sizes

NEVER try and squeeze into a size that is too small!

Wearing clothing that is overly tight will look terrible and you will feel very self-conscious.

4.       Belts

Belts are a very important accessory!

You should always wear one as it will hold your waistline and ensure that your trousers hang correctly!

5.       Colours

Wearing contrasting colours will immediately draw attention to the joins between your clothes, i.e. your stomach... 

Stick to shades that are more similar to one another.

Shirtless Sunday: Michael Phelps Shirtless and in Speedo!

Well you either love him or you hate him and in this case we love him! Michael Phelps was in China for some celebrity golf tournament and for reason he changed into his speedo's and dived into a pool, and also looks like his tight Under Armour shirt wasn't long enough to cover his Calvin Klein waistband!

And happy halloween everyone!

12 Pictures inside of Michael Phelps looking sexy in a speedo!

Pictures: Socialite Life

Shia Labeouf Wears the Same Undies Two Days Straight!?

Just yesterday i posted Shia Labeouf shirtless and with his pants unzipped showing of a little of his underwear on the set of Transformers 3 (Thurs., Oct. 28). Just the next day (Fri., Oct. 29) Shia was doing a little Halloween shopping when he revealed his Calvin Klein underwear which looked pretty familiar to the ones he was wearing Thursday, which tells me did he wear his underwear two days in a row??? BTW i don't really care if he did, i just thought it was just pretty interesting!

Bigger picture inside!

Pictures: Just Jared

I Think Justin Bieber Just Likes the Breeze

Justin Bieber had his pants below his ass and exposed his underwear to the paps at the Megamind premiere in Hollywood Today (Oct. 30). Earlier this week Justin was at the Lakers game and again flashed his undies, i have a feeling we are going to have a lot more of these in the future!

Updated: 10 new pictures!

Bigger pictures inside!

Pictures: Justin-B.org

Shia Labeouf Shirtless and Pants Unzipped

Shia LaBUFF takes off his shirt and unzips his pants while on set of Transformers 3 in LA on Thursday (Oct.28). I really never thought he was hot but after seeing these pictures i clearly rethought that, can't really tell what kind and brand his undies are btw he's wearing Calvin Klein underwear!

18 pictures of Shia Labeouf and his unzipped pants inside!

Josh Duhamel Underwear Sighting *Repost

Josh Duhamel was seen pumping gas in Brentwood, CA last Sunday, while doing so you can see his grey underwear through his shirt.

Bigger picture inside!

Picture source: Socialite Life